Saturday, March 5, 2011

Circle of True Love

 In life at one time or another we are always searching for something. We search for our car keys. We may even search for that little bit of change we know we dropped in the couch. Then once we find it we are happy and full of joy.
  After a failed marriage I was lost. I didn't understand. This was one of the hardiest things in my life I  had to deal with. After my marriage I dated and was able to look back at my marriage and realize how important communication is. Not only is communication important but a balance of giving and receiving.
  I ask myself why it is so hard to find someone who is willing to give the attention and affection that I give to them. I am not saying that there needs to be a score card but we do need to pay attention so that one person isn't doing all the giving while the other only takes in the relationship.
  Sometimes we love on the person and give that person the utmost attention. We change our plans,we even run late when we have an appointment or need to be somewhere else just so we can spend that little of time with them. You do this because you are in love with them and you don't want anything back except good feelings.
   Balance doesn;t mean giving and receiving the same amount daily; it means the scales don't tip to far in either direction overall.
   I know that in life there may be periods in a relationship in which one person does most of the giving, then later, the other person does. Or we may contribute one thing, and the other person gives something else.
   Its so mind blowing how a person who is in love with a person and will do everything they can for them, only to find out the other person will not sacrifice the time they have because something better came along. 
  A relationship is all about sacrifice and showing the other person how special they are and how you will do everything you can to help them . Time is short and life is so busy. If a person does love you in a relationship they will not make you feel used or last they will make you feel complete.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I can say about this since you sent this to me. Don't ever do things for one expecting gratifaction in return in your time. It will come in due time when you at least expect it. Have you ever considered that is why people have walls and why some don't ask for help? Having things thrown up in your face is a NO NO! It means nothing to me, especially when I know you have done something and you are expecting me to stay behind, touch you, be late for you, hold your hand just because you want me too. I would rather a man do all that for me because he wants to and expects NOTHING in return. It would mean the world to me as I would do for him, it would feel much warmer to him(you). Once again, love you!
