Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Response to "If it's meant to be it will be"

The comment you made about things if its meant to be it will be I would say "yeah, most definitely" it is a comforting thought however it is far from true. "It was meant to be" suggests that what happens in life under any circumstance is subject to some unknown force and nothing we do can change it. "Fate" is false doctrine, period. There is no such thing as fate. There is an unseen force (God) that watches over us but never to any degree interferes with the decisions and choices we make. That is why I said last night that God gave human freewill. With God who is that unseen force he created this earth upon which we live and everything in it or upon it. We have the opportunity for happiness beyond description but it will never happen because "it was meant to be". We may suffer the agonies of Hell but it will not be because "it was meant to be". We are at the helm of our own lives because we were given "free agency" before we came to this life in order that we may come to know these great truths if we seek them diligently. There is an ultimate "good" and an opposing "evil" and one bit of good news about it all is that we will not be judged in ignorance. One must know the truth, come to embrace it and make it a part of their lives to truly enjoy them. If one never learns the ultimate truth then why would a loving God judge them for that which they know not? The evil that opposes it will ultimately fail. This is why there is no such thing as fate. You are free to choose. We make our lifes and live our days based on our choices and will we make bad choices yes we will. But I would rather take a chance on love then look back in life and say I wished I would have. If you dont look into what you want in the future how can you prepair yourself for the present.
In a relationship No relationship grows out of selfishness. Give your unconditional love freely and watch your heart fill with the love returned to you. Give your unflagging support, and see your partner return much to you in the guise of gratitude. As far as growth as a person you can only grow if you dont do what you normally do you use your freewill and follow a path that is good for your life. You work to do your best  to improve everything in life. In a  relationship and love if you need  to  reach out and grab it and hold it tight. You only have one life to live and you must live that life and understand if you make that wrong decission with that one life there is no reset button you can push. That sometimes you realize to late you made the wrong choice. Then you will sit back and start to say I wished I would have did all I could have to keep this and  if I only would have.? We do have a choice to what road and path we take. The question is do you take the road going down because it looks easier or do we take the road going up and know in the end it will be a better outcome.

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